Goodbye Nomes...
The time was 3:00am, the job was taking Naomi to the airport. The mood was sad and very sleepy. It was wonderful having Nomes stay with us and it was really, really hard for Mar to say goodbye to her EARLY this morning at the airport. We are really blessed to have such incredible friends and can't wait for more of them to come visit. Ask Naomi, we're pretty good hosts. We make brownies and stuff.
We are excited to welcome to the East Coast...(drum roll for effect): MEGAN HINKLE! Woohoo! Yet another one of our friends is joining us here on the Atlantic. Megan found out that her Mission Year assignment is Philadelphia, PA - a mere 6 hours from us! That's less than Newberg to Hayden so we are pumped about having our favorite That Thing You Do quoter so close by. If any of the rest of you are contemplating moving "back east" it appears that now is the time - seriously, everybody's doing it. :)
hah. you wrote about me in your blog. Let me tell you all how it really happened. Mar said "Will you be coming out soon?" and I of course replied "...I dont THINK so!"
but then i changed my mind. and really am coming out to the east side. to the city of brotherly luv. and by the way Mapquest says its only 4 hrs. away. liers.
PS: if you click on my name you can see one of my fav websites. it changes with every post. betcha didnt know that.
10:16 PM
Free Katie, eh? That cracks me up, Hink. I almost bought a shirt. Seriously.
But then I feared it might poof up there in the back.
12:24 PM
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