Monday, June 20, 2005

Productive weekend!

We had a very productive weekend! We went garage sale shopping on Saturday morning and got a bunch of stuff including a rocking chair (free!), bookshelf, laudry hamper, and an air conditioner. We also got a futon and convinced the guy that was delivering a washer and dryer to drive over and help Matt pick it up.
On Sunday we went to a flea market in a nearby town and completed our list of needed furniture items by buying a little table and a couple of chairs. We had to refinish the wood and spray paint the table and chairs white (they were green), but that went pretty quickly, and now it looks WONDERFUL!
We're seriously going to try to post a bunch of pictures from the journey over as well of pictures of our new apartment. Matt should be getting a computer at work/school in a couple of days, so he can do it from there. Today was supposed to be his first day, but the Graduate secretary wasn't there, so he couldn't set up any of his accounts or get keys to the labs or anything. So his professor suggested that he start by reading up on a bunch of journal articles related to the subject. So he went home and read for a while, and now we're planning on going into Boston for the first time to visit an old friend who moved there.


Blogger Aj Schwanz said...

You guys are like a HGTV "design on a dime" dream team! Congrats on the productivity: hope you can get out and have more fun adventures soon.

Judah says "enh!" a.k.a "be well!" :)

9:52 PM


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